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Lifestyle Krystle Barrington Lifestyle Krystle Barrington

Dreams Do Come True

It's been a few weeks since I last blogged and I can honestly say I've missed it. Since my last blog post some amazing things have happened….

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Lifestyle Krystle Barrington Lifestyle Krystle Barrington

For My Single Ladies

Love is definitely in the air and wedding season is still going strong. I got to thinking just last night about how beautiful it is when two people genuinely love ……

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Lifestyle GoLive Lifestyle GoLive

Rest In His Presence

It's so funny as kids we want to grow up so fast, then adulthood hits us with so many responsibilities and challenges that we want to rewind time and just enjoy the …….

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Lifestyle Krystle Barrington Lifestyle Krystle Barrington

Friends Forever

I got an unexpected visit from one of my line sisters this weekend. It was perfect timing because her energy and her wisdom was right on time……..

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