Getting Healthy

Almost a year ago I took pictures for my 33rd birthday. When I got my first peek of the pictures I felt so embarrassed. Without a doubt I knew I didn't look like myself nor did I feel like myself. I shouldn't have been surprised at all because I was overloading on carbs and basically anything sweet on a daily basis. My pants weren't fitting right either and that was probably due to the fact that I hadn't consistently worked out in months. 

Over the years I've gone through phases when working out was a huge priority and then eventually I'd completely fall off the wagon. After looking at those pictures I wanted to make a lifestyle change and stick to it. A year later I've been able to do just that. I'm not focused on being a certain size but rather just being healthy and comfortable in my clothes. 

I decided to get back in the gym with my trainer Jennifer Winters (@fit4lyfe.1 on IG) and I've been hitting it hard ever since. My start weight about a year ago was 160 lbs. I currently fluctuate between 144 to 148 lbs. My trouble areas are my tummy and my arms. I see Jennifer 3 times a week for weight training and conditioning and I'm expected to do 1 hour of cardio on my own the other 4 days. I still can't stand doing cardio but it must be done. I eat pretty clean most of the time and adjust things when needed. 

I've learned so much along the way and wanted to share some lessons I've learned and things you should consider if you want to start living a healthier and more active lifestyle.

  1. Drink Water. This has been one of the hardest things to incorporate into my lifestyle. Water is good for you so drink up! I typically buy a gallon for each day of the week. I try to drink as much as possible of that gallon while at work.

  2. Moderation is key. I'd be lying if I said I would never eat a piece of cake ever again in life. Moderation is key! Whatever that food is that you absolutely love, you don't have to completely deprive yourself but be conscious of not overdoing it.

  3. Get a yearly physical. I highly recommend getting a yearly physical. Being proactive is so very important when trying to get healthy. If we know what we're up against, we can make conscious decisions to take better care of ourselves.

  4. Everyone won't understand your journey. Being more conscious about what we eat and getting in shape is a lifestyle change that everyone won't understand. Remember what your why is and never let anyone discourage you for making positive changes in your life. Who knows, you might even start a new trend in your circle of friends or family!

  5. Pay attention to how your body responds to the foods you eat. I've had to cut out several foods from my diet because my body just doesn't respond well to them. If certain foods cause bloating, gut issues, etc., then consider removing them from your diet and find replacements.

  6. Don't be afraid of lifting weights. There's this huge misconception that lifting weights is going to make someone bulky. That couldn't be further from the truth. If you're hesitant, start with light weights and move your way up.

  7. You don't need a personal trainer or gym to get fit. I do workout with a trainer, but you don't have to have a personal trainer to see results. YouTube is my absolute favorite for at home workouts and healthy food ideas. Some of my favs are Brittany Dawn Fitness, Fit Foodie Le, and Toni Mitchell. If you do have a gym membership or equipment at home and need workout ideas, check out @laurajulaine and @fitmom_michelle on IG for workout ideas.

  8. Make sure and eat. Not eating only slows down your metabolism. Make sure you are eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner with snacks in between to keep your metabolism going. My goal daily is to eat every 2-3 hours and I eat till I'm comfortable, and not stuffed. If you live in Houston and you're interested in meal prep services, check out @croissantville and @mrrichfitfoods on IG. I've used them both and I've never been disappointed.

This is my first post ever on fitness and definitely not my last. For me working out again has been a huge stress reliever and something I've truly fallen in love with. If you want to catch some of my workouts, I typically post videos on IG stories (@krystleiam). 



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