Melanin in the Mountains

I made a promise to myself last year that I wouldn't give all my time and energy to work but to live a little this year. I'm making good on that promise! First stop for 2018 was Breckenridge, CO. We flew in to Denver International Airport and made the 2 hour drive to our home away from home, Village at Breckenridge. The views on the drive there was absolutely beautiful and it made the drive pretty relaxing. We pretty much lucked out on the hotel because there was food, activities, etc. all in walking distance from the hotel.

A trip to CO isn't complete without some activities and we didn't waste anytime jumping right in. Our first stop was Good Times Adventures where we did snowmobiling. I loved every single minute of riding through the beautiful scenery. We rode up several mountains and were able to stop and snap some pictures. I can't say enough how beautiful it was! After a while I forgot how cold it was and the fact that I couldn't feel my fingers. We didn't get to do dogsledding but my favorite part was riding by the kennels that housed the huskies. Sadly I couldn't snap pics but take my word for it, they were beautiful!

On our second day we decided to give skiing a try. I'm going to be honest, I didn't like it much. My hands were so cold and after about an hour and a half I was pretty much over it. I did learn the basics however, like stopping, changing directions, etc. Let's just say I have a new found respect for professional skiers. I was pretty much on chill mode for the rest of the trip. I tagged along for moral support for my sister and my cousin who decided to do tubing and tumble bubble the day before we headed home at the Frisco Adventure Park. I got some good laughs watching my sister roll around in that tumble bubble.

The food throughout the trip was nothing special. We were lucky in finding two spots that I highly recommend. We had breakfast at Bread + Salt in Frisco, CO. The food was absolutely delish! We ended up having dinner from The Motherloaded Tavern closer to our hotel. The food was tasty, the service was great, and the portions were HUGE! 

P.S. I no longer have the original pictures from the trip. Insert sad face.



Getting Healthy


Unspeakable Joy