Dreams Do Come True

It's been a few weeks since I last blogged and I can honestly say I've missed it. Since my last blog post some amazing things have happened. I'm now a self published author. She Believes: 75 Devotionals to Motivate, Encourage, and Inspire is available on Amazon and Kindle. How cool is that!!??? I had a book signing that far exceeded my prayers and expectations. My confidence continues to grow each day and frankly, I feel like I can take on the world right now. This entire experience has taught me that my best day without God cannot match my best day with Him. God is our secret weapon. He is everything we need in this life, so it would be foolish if I didn't acknowledge that without Him this could not be possible. I'm more fired up than ever to encourage other women to pursue every single dream they have. If I can do it, then you can do it!!!

I've written about overcoming fear several times in the last year but I wasn't able to tell you how it felt to be on the other side of it. Let me tell you, it feels amazing. There is nothing anyone can tell me that I can't do because all things are possible through God. I believe with all my heart that fear will keep us from being our very best and living the life we were intended to live, but no more! We don't learn what we are capable of until we try. We can learn something new about God when we open our hearts and our minds to His plans for our lives. If no one else ever tells you that you are capable of great things, you might need to come back and read this post over and over again because you are MORE than capable.

Many times people celebrate their victories but never share the drama behind the scenes. Well, I can tell you that I made a lot of mistakes a long the way in self publishing. Thankfully now I know better so I can do better in the future. I can save myself some frustration, some coins, and some time because I learned along the way. My faith, patience, and even discipline were tested many times. I had moments when I wanted to give up but my friends and family held me accountable. I couldn't always hang out and living on a serious budget was my reality. On top of all of that, I struggled with migraines and insomnia throughout out this entire process, which only made progress slow, but it didn't stop me. It seemed like the closer I got to finishing, the more hell I had to deal with. Balancing a full time job in addition to treating my writing like a business and not a hobby had me feeling beyond stressed at times. 

It took me 31 years on this earth to put action behind a dream I have had since grade school. While I could beat myself up for that, I've decided that moving forward, I'm on a mission to chase every single dream and write every single book I can write because that's what I'm passionate about. I'm going to trust in God and believe that He will not fail me. I want you to do the same thing!!!! I got weird looks from some people when I told them I was writing a devotional for women. I could have crawled back into self doubt but I didn't. Forget about what people are going to say or think because you can't stop people from having an opinion. Remember that our purpose is not about us at all. It's all about God, and when it's all said and done,  no amount of pessimism or negativity will ever dim your light!

So how bad do you want it? What are you afraid to do? What have you been putting off? What project did you put to the side because you felt like you just couldn't finish it with excellence? Whatever it is, it's time to make it happen. I don't care if it's going back to school, writing your own book, buying a house, whatever it is, learn everything you can and TRY. If you run into a stumbling block, keep it moving!!!! I am convinced that a woman with faith and pure determination can achieve anything she sets her mind to. That applies to you as well!!!!

:: Believe in yourself.

:: Believe in God's promises for your life.

:: Believe that set backs are opportunities to do better.

:: Believe that God will never fail you.

:: Believe that there is something inside of you that is greater than any mistake you have ever made.

:: Believe that you are capable of great things.

:: Believe!!

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