What Will Your Legacy Be

I’ve heard the saying, “time waits on no one,” countless times in my adult life. I’ve written about this topic many times before as well but these words carry much more weight now than ever before for me personally. As such I’ve spent so much time in the last few months thinking about how to effectively walk in purpose and what I want my mark to be when I leave this earth one day. The truth of the matter is, we will all leave behind a legacy. Who we are, how we treat others, how we move through life, what we’re passionate about…. it’s all important and it all speaks to what our legacy will be one day…

If I could sum up what I’d like my legacy to be in one word, it would be “encourager.” That’s the mark I want to leave in this world now and later. Whether it be this blog, the books I’ve written and will write, or the words I put into the world, whether said from my mouth or on paper, I want people to feel inspired in some way. Knowing that, I think the real work starts now to show up for myself, my purpose, and the gifts God have given me like never before. That’s my main motivation these days…

In a time when we are reminded daily that life is precious and how we live it truly matters, what will your legacy be? What will you be remembered for?

If you’re not sure how to answer, that’s okay. Just know that it’s never too late to make positive changes, to evolve, and to change our minds on who we want to be. No matter our age or what we’ve been through, we can still create a legacy that brings glory to God. You, we, all of us, can still walk the path God created just for us and that’s pretty exciting if you ask me!



Dear Introverts


In the Meantime