Dear Introverts
have a confession to make….I’m an introvert. I’ve always been an introvert.
As a kid I was super shy, hence why my head was always stuck in a book. As I’ve gotten older and more comfortable in my own skin, I’m not as shy but I still have my moments. I still feel somewhat awkward at large events, especially if I go by myself. I truly value those people in my life that I just click with because I’m certain there are people out there that assume I’m stuck up when in all actuality it’s likely social anxiety written all over my face and not an attitude. I can go days without talking to another human being and writing will always be my go to communication style. As such, my personality traits have always given me extra hoops to jump through but no more! There’s definitely a time and place for everything and these days I hear God saying to step up and don’t shrink back!
What I’m discovering is that in order to truly go after the things that bring me joy, I can’t hold back any longer. So that means it’s time to speak up more, to stand in front of the crowd instead of getting lost in it, to be willing to put myself out there unapologetically…The funny thing is all the women I admire so much are the type of women who have decided to jump in head first. They decided a long time ago to get comfortable with being uncomfortable and today, here and now, I am challenging myself and every introvert reading this to do the very same. Our purpose is much bigger than our personality y’all, and just maybe if we tap into those areas that freak us out we just might discover that what we’ve been hesitant to do or say was only a distraction and not a hinderance. So…..
Dear Introverts,
Do it scared.
Do it even if it makes you feel uncomfortable.
Don’t change who you are but don’t allow comfort
zones to keep you from blossoming.
Whatever your “it” is, don’t hold back.
Show up awkward.
Show up because you are worthy to do so.
Show up because God has made room for you,
even if you don’t always feel it or see it.
Show up because you are enough, always.
With Love, A fellow Introvert