Time Waits on No One
“Someday” is a disease that will take your dreams
to the grave with you.” Unknown
I don’t fear a lot of things but the idea that I would go throughout life and never live up to my true potential is something that weighs on me. I don’t want to look back on my life and not see growth and progression. I know that God has placed certain things inside of me and ten years from now I don’t want to shake my head with disappointment because I lacked the confidence and the boldness to walk in purpose in a way that honors God.
I’m all too familiar with making up for lost time. For years I wanted to write a book but I think I lacked the discipline because my time and attention were directed towards other things. At one point in life, my relationship with God was fractured in places that I was too blind to see and that significantly impacted my decision making at the time. My twenty year old self knew what she was called to do, but she wasn’t quite ready.
I’d like to think that at thirty five I’m not that girl anymore. I’ve fought to become the person I am today and somedays I feel like I’m still fighting. I am in a season where I am no longer playing it safe. I understand that time waits on no one and my mission right now is to rest on the promises of God so much that I move bolder than I ever have before. It’s a process but one that will build my faith in God and also in myself.
We are nearing the end of a decade. We are days from walking into a brand new year. I challenge you as I am challenging myself, to take advantage of every single day. Our dreams will always remain dreams if we aren’t willing to break down whatever it is that has been holding us back, and just go for it. Unless we are willing to do something different, we will always get the same results. For me, that means doing it scared and not being concerned with getting it perfect the first time.
My question to you is, what do you want your legacy to be?
What has God put on your heart to do that you haven’t done yet?
What do you want the next ten years of your life to look like?
I know with all my heart that there are things God wants to show me that I haven’t seen yet. I know there are places that God wants to take me that I’ve never gone. I know there are people God wants me to reach that I haven’t yet touched. Can you relate? The concept of time doesn’t care about our comfort zone, our personalities, our insecurities, our struggles, etc. Time will come and go and “someday” may never come. It is up to us to do the work on ourselves that we need to do in order to rise above, use our time wisely, and get things done.