I'm Just Grateful - Farewell 2019
One word comes to mind when I think about all that has transpired in 2019 and that is GRATEFULNESS. This year I experienced so many health issues (you have no idea) but I’m alive and well, and that’s a blessing. Not only did God show up for me, He also showed up for the people I care about in major ways. From babies to businesses being established, God came through! Even when things weren’t headed in the right direction for me personally, sitting back and watching God move in other people’s lives brought me so much joy. It has been an interesting year for me but a good one nonetheless. Here are some lessons I’ve learned throughout this year:
A true sign of maturity and wisdom is knowing when to speak and when to just be quiet. Some battles are just not worth my time and energy.
Blind faith is throwing reason out the window and saying, “God I don’t know how this is going to happen but I’m doing it.” Building my faith (daily) is the only way I will live the life God has called me to live.
There are no detours to building a solid relationship with God. It requires sacrifice and discipline. I’m ending this year in a much better place spiritually and I want to continue to build on that as we walk into this new year.
I understand that as I continue to walk with God and grow as a woman that not everyone can go with me. Not everyone is going to get me or understand my purpose. It’s okay and I’m not letting it stop me.
I’ve been reminded in so many situations that what’s in a person’s heart will always come to light. As such, I want to always make sure to check my own heart so that I don’t project my own issues onto others or get in the habit of holding on to things.
What’s too heavy for me is never too heavy for God and I’m taking that and running with it.
My final words to you…..
If you’re reading this, you survived it all. Even if you’re not where you want to be, you’re still standing. Even if you didn’t accomplish everything you set out to accomplish, learn from what you did do. If you feel like the year came and went and not much progress was made, it’s time to put together a new game plan. If you’re looking at everybody’s life and feeling like you don’t have it together, let me remind you that we all have our mess, so don’t be hard on yourself. My hope for all of us is that we would continually do the work on ourselves so that we live in a way that honors God day in and day out. Remember to embrace the lessons learned and release the things (and maybe people) who are holding you back. May the next year be your best year yet in every area of your life. I hope it is filled with more hope, love, kindness towards yourself and others, blessings, self care, growth, and breakthroughs. It’s only up from here!