Stop Playing It Safe

It has taken a few days for me to write this blog post. Sure, I’ve written about faith before but this one required me to evaluate where my faith is and where I want it to go. Over and over again in the last few weeks God has been sending me the same message, and that is to stop playing it safe with my faith. While I believe in God with all my heart, my faith has been limited by the same fears year in and year out. If you’re like me, you’ve been hiding and it’s time for us to level up on our faith, our thoughts, and our actions in a major way.

What does playing it safe look like?

  • Playing it safe is settling for doses of Jesus instead of getting full on His word.

  • Playing it safe is trusting in God for the small things but never the big things.

  • Playing it safe is posting about Him but not truly investing time in getting to know Him.

  • Playing it safe is wanting to know the how instead of just moving when all God gives us is the what.

  • Playing it safe is being too afraid to move when God says move.

I can admit that I’ve been operating with “mustard seed faith” when at this stage of the game and with all that I’ve seen God do in my life, I ought to be moving bolder and without hesitation. I truly believe that until I am willing to trust God enough to step into the unknown relying on His strength and not mine, that I will never experience all the things with my name on it.

This is bigger than having faith that God will do something for us. This is about our faith being so solid that when life happens, we don’t crumble. Building a thriving relationship with God is a daily walk and one that can often times become inconsistent or non-existent because we’re tired, overwhelmed or just busy. Life happens and sometimes we miss the opportunity to tap into our faith because we shrink back. My truth is that I’ve had some missed opportunities.

What would happen if our faith was so strong that when life happens our faith takes over? What would happen if our faith evolved so much that what used to bother our spirit was replaced with complete joy? How do we evolve from baby faith? How do we level up on our faith?

  1. Daily devotion (reaffirms who God is and helps us to better understand we are in Christ).

  2. Consistent and authentic prayer (is more than asking God for things. Prayer positions us to hear from God).

  3. Intentional meditation (allows us to sit quietly and listen for God.)

The good news for myself (and for all of us) is that as long as we have air in our lungs we have the opportunity to develop a stronger connection with God. No matter how far we drift from Him or how many times we find ourselves doubtful, God’s love and mercy remains true. I have a strong hunch that when we stop playing it safe with our faith, our thoughts and our actions will also change for the better. If we make a commitment to stop playing it safe with our faith, just maybe we will find peace, direction, clarity, purpose, forgiveness, completeness, discipline, vision, etc.

I want to have the kind of faith that others would call foolish. I want to pray those prayers that lets God know that I believe without any doubt that He is who He says He is. I want to develop a faith that is unwavering and rooted in God’s word. Let’s be disciplined in seeking God above all things. Let’s get to know Him better so that we in turn can live better and be better. Let’s not leave this earth having never experienced the fullness of God.

Let’s stop playing it safe.



Time Waits on No One


She Writes