She Writes

As a kid I’d write poems and short stories. I’d only share them with my parents. It always made my heart smile giving them a sheet of paper with words I wrote on them. I didn’t know then that writing was my purpose. Even till this day I’m just more comfortable writing things down than saying them aloud and I don’t suspect that will ever change. Writing has and always will be the best way I know how to express myself, yet for a while I think I got off track.

Recently I took a break from social media for thirty plus days. Stepping away from all the “noise” made me realize that I was stepping into lanes I didn’t need to walk in. As a creative person I set out to try new things this year. It’s been fun but my writing got lost in at all. The thing is, I have struggled with balancing all the ideas constantly swirling around in my head, but no more.

I’m reminded that there is a time and a season for everything, we just have to be wise enough to know when to move. I’m over here like, “I hear you God.” Writing is what i’ve been called to do, so that’s what I’m going to do. In this season I am more certain than ever of where to direct my time and energy. I certainly don’t think I have it all figured out, but I feel like I’m can move forward with full confidence that I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing.

If you’re like me, ideas come to you constantly. Sometimes trying to figure what to focus on becomes a challenge. What I know is that God is not the author of confusion. It is so important to quiet the “noise” going on around us so that we can hear from God clearly. The “noise” could be social media or it could be people in our circle pushing us to do things that conflict with what God wants us to focus on. I think it’s also important to never caught up in the popular thing. If you’re feeling all over the place creatively, I encourage you to take a step back and pray for direction. I’m right in the thick of it and I can assure He will give you a clear vision.

There are major changes coming to this space. It sort of feels like I’m starting over again but I own it because this is my journey of a being creative, a writer, but most importantly walking in purpose. So, cheers to change, writing from the heart, more transparent moments, and creative courage. The best is yet to come.



Stop Playing It Safe


Chasing the Sun