Life is a Gift
The tragic and unforeseen passing of Kobe Bryant, his daughter and 7 others has brought me to tears more than a few times since this passed Sunday. I didn’t know them personally but on a very basic human level, it’s saddening to know that someone is now without a mother, father, sister, friend, etc. It’s heartbreaking and even though it doesn’t hit close to home personally, it has rattled me.
Death in general has a way of making you stop and think. A tragic death that comes out of no where just hits different. It’s a powerful reminder that life is a gift that we sometimes take for granted. It has made me think about people I’ve lost and people who are grieving their own personal heroes in their lives. I’ve sat in bed thinking about the people I care about and whether or not they fully grasp how much I love them. It has made me think about how I live my own life and how I want to live today and beyond.
Life can be incredibly hard at times but again, life is a gift. To live is an opportunity to thrive and evolve… So shrinking back or living a life of mediocrity isn’t really an option for any of any of us. Not taking advantage of our time and our gifts is frankly a travesty. We have one life to live (on this earth) and so the question is, what will we make of it?
The lesson for me in 9 beautiful souls never reaching their destination is to LIVE and to do so in a way that honors God and every bit of potential He put inside of me. It is a reminder to love hard and to go harder. There isn’t a day that should go by that we don’t thank God with literal joy for allowing us to wake up every morning and make it home every night. We have to decide how we are going to live and what we live for. We get to decide what our legacy is and what we are doing to do to ensure it happens.
Let’s live (with intention).
Let’s grow.
Let’s evolve.
Let’s be kinder to ourselves and others.
Let’s be better tomorrow than we are today.
Let’s make the most of each day…because our next breath just isn’t promised.