Consistency is Key
If you’ve been here with me for a while then you know I’ve touched on my struggle with being consistent throughout the years for one reason or another. As I set goals for 2020 I kept being reminded that faith without action is dead. I understand that no matter how loud I speak the things I am believing for my life out loud, they won’t happen unless I exercise a new level of faith.
As you might have noticed, I can’t mention the importance of consistency without mentioning faith. Sometimes the reason why we slow down, drag our feet, or just give up entirely is because we struggle to “see” things before we actually see it happen. It doesn’t help that we live in a world mesmerized by likes, followers, and metrics. Yes, all of those things have it’s importance but none of these things define our purpose in life. There will not be consistency if we cannot see beyond where we started or simply learn to find fulfillment and validation is doing that thing God has called us to do. So….
When we feel unseen, we must remain consistent.
When we’re scared, we must remain consistent.
When we’re doubtful, we must be consistent.
When we feel stuck, we must remain consistent.
When we feel unsupported, we must remain consistent.
While we are on the topic, let’s talk about rest for a minute. Yes, take care of yourself. Yes, give yourself time to rest. Yes, make sure to recharge when your mind and body need it the most, but let’s not be so still that we become stagnant. Let’s not get comfortable in our comfort zones. Let’s focus on progress and not perfection. Let’s allow resilience and blind faith to speak louder than moments of self doubt, confusion, and even laziness.
Again, progress over perfection.
Faith over convenience.
Focus over feelings.
And of course, consistency over EVERYTHING.