Year of Living Well
A couple of years ago I started choosing a word that sets the tone for the new year. In essence it captures something I want to live by or focus on for the next 365 days. Towards the end of 2020, there was one phrase that kept coming to mind and it is, LIVE WELL.
One thing I was reminded of time and time again throughout 2020 is that life is absolutely precious. When I look back on how I’ve lived my life, I feel a mix of sadness and also joy. There have been seasons in my life where I didn’t show up. Frankly, I didn’t believe in myself and it felt more like I was existing instead of truly experiencing all that I believe God had for me. I truly want to look back and know that I didn’t let the happenings of this world or my heart or life in general suffocate my joy. That’s it!
Living well for me means leaving no area of my life untouched as it relates to growth. It’s about living in my truth and It’s about having a good relationship with myself. God willing when this year comes to an end, I want to look back and know that I was intentional in living my best life, whatever that may be throughout the year. I realize that that living well is not living perfect. For me it is not about having all the answers but trusting God fully with my life, my career, my dreams, my purpose, and my destiny.
I hope for us all that if and when things get hard, that we run to God and not away from HIm. My hope is that we would all experience more of Him and in doing so, may we have the best year we’ve ever had.
Do you have a word or phrase for 2021? If so, I’d love to hear what it is and why you chose it.
God gave us the gift of life;
it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well.