Farewell 2020
When I think about the year 2020 the first thing the comes to mind is not a pandemic but God’s covering and His faithfulness. It cannot be ignored however that living through a pandemic is not something any of us thought we would encounter when we walked into 2020. Sickness and death and blatant racism have either been at our doorstep or at minimum on our television screens day in and day out and without question, it is a true blessing to say that we survived throughout it all.
Yes, it has been a heavy year for so many reasons but it has also been a year that made room for me to grow spiritually and for that I am grateful. In complete transparency, I think I’ve prayed more this year than I ever have in my life. I’ve rediscovered the value in literally getting on my knees when talking to God and it’s a practice that I will continue. I spent a lot of time just thinking about life, past decisions, current hurts, and what I want for myself in the years to come. There were many days when I felt like the walls were closing in on me and so I escaped by taking walks and sitting outside, both things I now love to do.
For a a time it was so difficult for me to create anything. Writing felt more like a chore because my mind was so preoccupied by how hateful this world can be. I realized that if I wanted to get back to my normal self that I had to turn off the distractions (i.e. nightly news and scrolling on social media) and lean into God. I did that and I eventually got back to a place where I didn’t feel like I was no longer struggling to show up for the things that bring me joy. I’ve learned many things but here are a few that have spoken the loudest….
Hope and joy and sadness and helplessness can all live in the same place, and it’s okay.
God is faithful even when we are faithless.
Purpose is greater than a pandemic.
Wisdom is a God thing.
The heart will always determine how we treat others and ourselves.
Things can be replaced but people can’t, so we ought to cherish those we love.
I don’t know what this new year will bring but I know that God will remain the same, and that gives me comfort. I also know that whatever we need, we can find it in Him, no matter what things look like. In a time when things can feel so unstable, we can always put our hope in God, and that’s good new. I believe in the power of perspective and hope and faith in the midst of chaos around us and even in us and so as we walk into what feels like “the unknown,” I hope we live well, love more, and take care of those parts of ourselves that no one else may ever see.
May the next year be filled with growth in every area of our lives. May we be led by God and not fear or emotions. May we understand that God’s best for our lives is on the other side of trusting His plans for our lives. May we seek Him, trust Him, and believe in Him no matter what life brings.
And blessed is she who believed that there will be fulfillment to the things spoken to her from the Lord. | Luke 1:45