The Truth About Grace


When I think about God’s grace, I am humbled. I’m humbled because I know my struggles. I know what if feels like to consciously sin. I know how many times I have broken God’s heart. From seeking validation from all the wrong people and things to seasons of being completely lost spiritually, I am certain that God’s grace is real. I understand that any ounce of spiritual growth that has taken place in my life is because of God’s grace and I have learned that even when it feels like life won’t give me a break, God’s grace is still real.  

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this is not from yourselves, it is a gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast.

Ephesians 2:8-9

Because of God’s grace, we are saved.

Perfection is not a requirement for God’s grace.

Grace is every time God gives us another chance.

Grace is God’s love despite our mess.

Grace is the favor over our lives that makes no logical sense.

Grace is a gift.

The truth is, grace is a gift. It is a gift we sometimes cannot recognize because we are filled with regret and shame. It is often not acknowledged because all around us life is happening. The grace of God lives through good times and through the bad times. It is wrapped in God’s unmatched love and unmerited favor. It’s only by God’s grace (and mercy) that we are able to grow and evolve. God’s grace is the reason why seasons of distruction don’t last always. God’s grace cannot be bought and it cannot be sold. It is what it is, and that is good news.

While God’s mercy protects us from the punishment we deserve, God’s grace gives yet another chance that we don’t deserve.

While I have your attention, let me remind you that you aren’t your past. If you’re feeling broken and, or your life seems to be falling apart around you, God’s grace is still with you. No matter your past and no matter what battles you are fighting behind closed doors at this very moment, God’s love and mercy and grace is real. While people might dismiss you for your past or judge you for your current situation, God will meet you exactly where you are.



Goodbye Drama


With a Grateful Heart