It's Almost My Birthday
It’s the night before my 36th birthday at approximately 10:16 pm CST and I am in full blown reflection mode.
In the last year I started a new job that allows me to work from home four days out of the work week. I traveled to Singapore and Bali. I made memories with my niece and nephews. I just love them! I spent considerable time with the people that mean so much to me. Friends had babies, launched businesses, and started new careers. My best friend Deidre moved back to Houston recently and let me just tell you, I missed my sis.
I also had my share of health struggles but thankfully I am well now. I had a front row seat to conflict within my family like never seen before in my entire life. I created new content but at the cost of neglecting my writing. I felt so lost at times but as I walked into 2020 I felt more like myself again.
Lots of highs and lows, and through it all God has been so good to me and to those I care about.
Simply put, I’m grateful.
As I get older my goal is to evolve and become wiser. I’m not fixated on perfection but committed to always keeping it real with myself, to always remain humble, and to learn from my mistakes. I’m not where I want to be but I can’t help but be proud of myself. I’ve found myself in situations that would have made me crumble a few years ago. In the past I questioned my own worth but the woman I am today knows who she is with so much certainty. For me, that is growth and the growing isn’t over. There are areas I need to mature in. There are demons I still need to slay. I’m still here though. I haven’t given up on myself. I find comfort in knowing that God will always love me no matter how far I wonder or how much of a mess I am.
Again, grateful.
What do I hope to accomplish in the next year?
I want to live a more minimalistic life. Frankly, I don’t need anything.
I want to deepen my relationship with God.
I want to save more and spend less.
I want to love others the way God loves me. Not always easy!
I want to create with purpose.
I want to find fulfillment through God and not outwardly things.
I want to use the talents God has given me in a new way.
I just hope that I make God proud. I hope that I make my parents proud. I hope a year from now that I am wiser, stronger, and more equipped to do the things God has called me to do. I want to live the life that God created specifically for me. I want it all, and I’m not willing to settle along the way.
So, cheers to more writing, more encouraging, more inner peace, more joy, more laughter, and to living a life I can look back on and be proud of. Cheers to love, friendship, and family.
Happy Birthday to me (in just under two hours. ha!)
It’s only up from here.