Fear and Faithfulness
To be afraid is not sin but faithlessness is. - Unknown
We may not all be impacted in the same way but we’ve all had to make some adjustments due to Covid-19. As the weeks have come and gone and this “monster” is still around, there seems to be more questions than answers. The fear of the unknown is real and yet we are called to believe….
The reality is, praying when we feel helpless is hard. Having faith when we feel like we can’t catch a break can feel like such a daunting task. The bible tell us that fear doesn’t come from God (2 Timothy 1:7). Fear can distort our perspective and cause us to live in doubt. In the midst of so much uncertainty fear comes natural but God calls us to see through a different lense than logic. This is our opportunity to literally walk in blind faith like never before. But how? How do we find faith during these times?
We can start by remembering how good God has been to us in the past.
We can minimize the “noise” (aka distractions) and create opportunities to hear from God.
We can read scriptures that reaffirm who God is.
We can intentionally practice gratitude daily.
We can tell God what our needs are. He already knows but He wants us to come to Him.
We can replace logic with trusting that God is in control.
While the spirit of fear can cause panic and anxiety, faith leads to peace and joy. It is seeing beyond what we see on the evening news and deciding that troubles won’t last always. It’s taking the focus off what we don’t have and what we do have. It is believing in what is unseen (Hebrews 11:1). It is holding on to knowing that no matter what life brings, nothing is too big for Him (John 16:33).
To the person reading this who feels fearful of what’s to come, you are not alone. To the person who feels stuck, it will get better. To the person who feels forgotten by God, know that you are not forgotten. To the person who feels pushed to their limit in all aspects of life, know that better days are ahead. God has not left you, and He never will (Deuteronomy 31:6).
My prayer is that we would know that God is bigger than sickness and a struggling economy. I pray that in moments of fear that we would hold on to God’s faithfulness. May we find hope in God’s word daily. May we find peace in knowing that God is the same today, tomorrow, and forevermore. May we have less fear and more faith, today and everyday.