Established in 1978

My dad can still tell me what my mom was wearing the day he met her. I’d tell you the story but both of my parents would give me side eye about putting it on the internet so I’ll have to keep a lot of the details close to my heart y’all! They married in September of 1978 in Trinidad. A few years later my dad moved to the U.S. and a year later my mother followed. They didn’t start off with very much at all but together they built a life ((in a new country)) and the rest is history. Fast forward to February 2021, my parents are still married and it makes my heart smile that they are still in love….

I consider myself very lucky to have had a front row seat to what a healthy and thriving marriage looks like. Keep in mind I didn’t say perfect because that just doesn’t exist. Sometimes I call them both up to ask them questions about what they were like when they first met versus who they are now. I laugh at the stories they tell sometimes. The older I get the more I want to soak in all the wisdom they have to give. Honestly, they are the only “relationship goals” that I will ever have and I wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world. I wanted to share some of the things I’ve discovered over the years in watching and listening to them….

  • To love someone is to choose them over and over again, especially when the relationship is tested.

  • Never marry for potential. Marry the person for who they are today.

  • It sounds good to say that God is first in a relationship but it’s the actions displayed and words expressed day in and day out that truly reflect where God falls in a relationship.

  • We should never wish or pray for the relationship someone else has because you never know what battles they are fighting behind closed doors (that you weren’t built to fight).

  • Love requires patience, understanding, and forgiveness.

  • Love is 1 Corinthians 13:4-8.

Cheers to marriages that last the test of time.

Cheers to imperfect yet unyielding love that honors God.

Cheers to life and love my friends.



Just Reflecting


Behind Closed Doors