Don't Mute Your Magic

Self doubt is a dream killer. It can literally rob us of walking in purpose and living the life we’ve been called to live. I know this first hand because for years I found myself struggling with this idea that I wasn’t good enough. It led to me giving my heart to all the wrong things (and people) and caused me to put dreams in my back pocket for far too long. It has caused me over the years to tip toe around my purpose instead of going full force. I’d love to tell you that I’ve mastered the ability to have this out of the world confidence but that is not my truth. I still have moments when I feel like stepping back into the shadows, but instead of staying there, I seek God. In doing so I’ve discovered that in my weakness, God always gives me that extra push that I need. I guess you can say I’m in a place in my my life where “muting my magic” is no longer an option and it’s time to truly get out of my own head…

We mute our magic when we ignore the calling on our lives. We mute our magic when we run from purpose and not towards it. We mute our magic when we tell ourselves that we aren’t good enough, when God isn’t looking for perfection. We mute our magic when we sit on ideas and dreams and talents for years because we are lazy, not driven, and or lack the confidence to show up. We mute our magic every single time we fail to see ourselves the way God sees us, as enough and oh so capable. We mute our magic when we let one set back stop us in our tracks. We mute our magic when we let the opinions of others distract us. Does this sound familiar?

In this life I don’t think we were created to be like anyone else on this planet. We were each created in God’s image and with unique purpose (Jeremiah 1:5). We each have this “magic” about us that no one else has and maybe if we focus on just showing up as our beautifully imperfect selves rather than letting this world or the little lies we believe about ourselves hold us back, just maybe then we can tap into the boldness that we all possess (2 Timothy 1:7).

2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.”

Maybe it isn’t self doubt at all that’s holding you back. Maybe it’s comparison or lack of vision or overthinking, all of which can lead to the other. Whatever it is, I encourage you to not only pray about it but identify the source. Replace negative thoughts with God’s word and things will begin to shift. That is a promise. Everybody’s journey in life won’t be the same, but I’m certain that if we walk the path God intended for us, we will all feel a sense of fulfillment that nothing and no one on this earth will ever be able to provide.

So whether you call it favor or magic, just know that you have it!



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