Embracing the Present
During this pandemic I’ve found myself just sitting and thinking about life and what I want for myself. The thing is, you get to a certain age and people expect you to be doing x, y, and z. If you’e not where people think you ought to be, they let you know it whether you asked for their assessment of your life or not.
At 36 years old I’m always asked about why I’m not married or currently dating anyone. The truth is, I’ve had a lot of disappointment when it comes to relationships and maybe because I’ve never been in one that honored God. Maybe I’m still single because years ago my insecurities led me to the one that treated me like an option and left me without enough good sense to choose the one that would have treated me like a queen. I’m not certain how my life would have changed had I made a different decision like ten years ago, but my reality ain’t so bad. It’s not bad at all actually and I truly believe that I am exactly where I”m supposed to be. Frankly, at this point in my life I’ve decided that whether people like it, support it, or understand who I am and where I am in life or not, it just isn’t my problem.
Often times in life people will question where we are in life or maybe we ourselves will look up one day and wonder where the time went. We might find ourselves looking back on choices made and wonder how in the world we ended up where we are. There may be moments when we wonder if we’re behind the curve or moving too fast. I think self reflection is important, but I also believe in giving ourselves the space and room for God to influence our thoughts as well.
No matter what our individual story is, God has a plan for us all. Hopefully along the way we take care of those parts of ourselves that no one else sees so that we can not only receive the things God has for us but be open to the life God designed for us.
May we seek God over timetables. May we evolve day by day. May we always remember that God’s plans are better than the ones we create for ourselves and the ones others create for us. May we embrace the present and not become anxious about the future.