Seek God, Not It
I was listening to a song recently and there was a phrase in it that I don’t ever want to forget. In the song the singer said, “Seek God, not it.” In reciting those words over and over again in my head since I first heard it, I’m reminded of just how easy it is to get so caught up in the hustle of chasing dreams and just simply trying to find our way in life. Life can get hard and distracting and heavy at times. We can fall into the habit of just going and going whether we realize it or not and I’ve certainly been there….
Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all gourmand. This is the first and the greatest commandment.” Matthew 21:37-38
I can think of so many times in my life where my mind and heart were stuck on everything but God. During my twenties I was so focused on a “relationship” God never gave me permission to be in that I missed out on building a real relationship with Him. Then there was the time when work literally became my life. I barely had time to even pray properly because I was always exhausted and spending time with God had become nonexistent. That’s not even the half of it y’all! Even today I have my struggles and I will never be the picture of perfection when it comes to pursuing Christ, but I must say that I understand the value and the necessity in seeking God first and daily much more than I did years ago. I continue to learn that God really just wants all of our hearts, and not just a portion of it.
Hebrews 11:4 says, “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.”
The good news is that no matter how far we drift from Him, we can always find our way back. His grace and mercy meets us exactly where we are, flaws and all (Hebrews 4:16). What does that mean? No matter how many times we may put people or projects before Him, we can still turn back to Him. No matter how times we lose sight of just how good He is, He doesn’t leave us high and dry. He is better to us than we are to ourselves, and that is a fact….
May we never forget to pursue God in our pursuit of happiness.
May we never forget to seek God first before anyone or anything else on this earth.
May His desires for our lives become our desires because we seek Him.
May we seek God, and not “it.”