Is February Over Already?

Today is the last day of February!

I was so hyped to publish blog posts on all things relationships, being the single friend, dating, etc. but it wasn’t a very productive month for me creatively. It wasn’t a complete loss though. I’m beyond happy that I rested more this month than I have in months and I don’t feel the least bit bad for it. I’ve had a long battle with insomnia for years. It significantly impacts my productivity and I’m very familiar with what it feels like to walk around feeling like a zombie. I’m grateful that I’m feeling rested and more like myself. I’ve incorporated some new practices that have been a huge help to me and I’m praying that this is my new normal.

While I was getting all that good sleep I also had a few moments when I doubted myself. I started to feel a bit invisible in this very big world of blogging. I’m grateful that I’ve turned a corner for the better. I’ve been here before and maybe I’ll be here again but what I know with all certainty is that God has called me to write. There is so much that goes on behind the scenes as a writer and blogger and often times I feel like a fish out of water. I’m reminded that while emotions are fickle, God is constant. This journey I’m on as a writer is just as much a faith walk as it is a creative outlet. Like anything we are passionate about we can never let temporary emotions stop us from pursuing what we’ve been called to do. So…I’m getting out of my own way ((yet again)) and I’m back like I never left. [Insert my happy dance.]

“Most of the shadows of this life are caused by standing in one's own sunshine.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson

March is by far my favorite month of the year because it’s my birthday month. Yay! I haven’t celebrated my birthday here at home for the last couple of years so God willing I’m looking forward to enjoying my birthday with family and a few friends. I’ll also get to see my She Inspires family and I cannot wait for that. All in all, I hope and pray it’s a joyful, positive, and productive month. I’m definitely looking forward and not backwards.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

Enough about me! I hope you are doing well. If life hasn’t been easy for you lately, know that you aren’t alone because we are all fighting something. I want to remind you that God loves and He is always working behind the scenes to take care you! So, keep your head up, give your troubles to God, and be intentional in finding joy exactly where you are. Let me know down in the comments how your year is going so far!



Positive Vibes Only


A Strong Dose of Reality