A Final Farewell to 2024
It’s been a few weeks since we entered a new year. The gratitude I feel today is just the same as it was when we ended 2024. In my rearview mirror is a year that forced me to be still. I’ve let go of things and people that no longer fit in my life. I’ve continued to grow and evolve but it hasn’t been easy. Change is hard. Unlearning is tough. The beautiful thing about letting go is making room for more. More joy. More living. More peace. More growth. More wisdom. More of what sets my soul on fire. If I had to sum up my 2024 in one word it would be PERSPECTIVE. I see things a little bit differently than I did this time last year. I see myself differently in the best way possible. I have clarity on what matters. I’ve learned to give my younger self some grace and I value my community now more than ever. I’m grateful for ending the year in good health and inspired to do things I’ve never done before. Cheers to closing one chapter and walking into a year of possibility. May we leave behind what no longer serves us and make space for what’s to come. May we take every setback and lesson with us for the days to come. May we trust that good and beautiful things are coming because God ain’t left us and never will!